Saturday, June 16, 2012

Harvesting Techniques For distinct Types of Fish

Florida Spine Institute - Harvesting Techniques For distinct Types of Fish
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Do you know about - Harvesting Techniques For distinct Types of Fish

Florida Spine Institute! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Salmon and whitefish are two of the most beloved seafood species. Although they are both abundant in the Pacific Ocean waters off of Alaska, they each need different ways of harvesting. These two seafood species each have three different ways of being harvested.

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How is Harvesting Techniques For distinct Types of Fish

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Florida Spine Institute.


Trolling: Although the least efficient way to catch Salmon, there are many benefits to trolling. Trolling is done by two fishermen on a small boat with any lines and hooks in the water. They go far into the water, searching many parts of the ocean for Salmon, even areas that are not very populated. They do not end up catching many fish, which is what makes it inefficient. However, they get to go added into the sea than other types of fisherman do, and the salmon caught by trolling are treated good than others.

Gillnetting: Most salmon are caught by gillnetting. A net is put into the water in the path of the salmon to trap them when they try to swim through. A large whole of fish are caught this way, and fishermen commonly have to make any trips back to the land a day to drop off their fish.

Purse Seining: Similar to gillnetting, purse seining uses a large circular net with a concluded lowest that encloses whole schools of fish. Large amounts of fish can also be caught with this method.


Trawl: With this method, fish are caught by large nets that are shaped like bags. They are attached to the back of boats, known as trawlers, trailing behind in the water. Trawling is ideal because of the technology that allows fishermen to pinpoint the exact location of the exact species they want, bringing them to the fish and avoiding catching the wrong kind.

Longline: Longlining is exact to a few types of whitefish. Longlines are essentially fishing rods, which are set up along the edge of the water. Fisherman can retrieve the fish from the hooks that they want and let the rest go.

Pots: Pots are also exact to inevitable fish. Pots are huge cages that are covered with nets. The pots, with bait in them, are set on the lowest of the ocean and sit there until fish are caught. The fishermen go straight through the trapped fish after bringing the pot back on board. The fish enter the cage straight through tunnels that do not let them escape. However, should a pot be lost, the pot's panels are biodegradable so that the fish will be able to go free.

Each way of harvesting is unique to the exact seafood species. If done responsibly, such as with the biodegradable panels on the pots, harvesting keeps the protection of the fish in mind.

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